Wednesday, May 11, 2011

METRO: Making Everyone Travel Ridiculously Off-Schedule

Another week of commuting pain, another letter....


My commute home requires that I transfer from the blue line to the orange line at Rosslyn, headed towards Vienna. For the past three weeks, I have had the unfortunate circumstance to arrive at Rosslyn at 5pm and then be forced to wait, on a regular basis, over 10 minutes for an orange line train to arrive.

I am curious how WMATA summons the bold faced audacity to charge a "peak of the peak fare" when there is an inadequate amount of orange line trains running westbound and overcrowding has been a well-documented issue? It seems clear that WMATA management doesn't ride the subway on a regular basis or you are more unprepared than Poland during the German invasion of 1939. Either way, all of the riders are getting screwed on this one.

As an aside, can you please tell your train operators to stop treating the brakes like a damn on/off switch? It's getting too dangerous for riders who don't expect their constant velocity to go from about 30 mph to zero in .001 seconds.

With lowest regards,

Angry Commuter

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