Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Dear Canada

Last time I checked you were a useless country placed as a buffer between us and the north pole. 90% of your population lives within 50 miles of the American border. Why do you live within 50 miles because you wish you were an American. Booing our national anthem during a playoff hockey game just proves that you are a waste of air, water and space. I would recommend you to be annexed but then you would be able to travel freely within our borders. You have two things going for you 1.Maple Syrup and 2.Ice Wine!!!! Your border patrols are surly and rude. Your food is sub-par and for the life of me I don't understand how your money is worth more than peso's. Even Niagara falls is half ours. Maybe, if there's a world war I can hang out in your frozen tundra eating polar bears. Otherwise, shut up and when the trumpets sound off for the stars and stripes show some respect.

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