Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Virginia DMV: FAIL!

Apparently the Virginia DMV computer system (along with various other
Commonwealth computer systems) has now been down for a week. No
driver's license renewals are possible.

However, as of today, our brilliant state government decided to start
exempting tickets to people for having licenses that expired in the
last week. (For tickets written earlier in the week, even though it
was the same problem? Too bad, so sad, tell it to the judge.) While
I am a firm believer in being prepared, and not waiting until the last
minute to get things done, since in my line of work that's a good way
to not see tomorrow, it's really unfair to those citizens who are
accustomed to popping online, hitting "renew" and going on about their

Maybe this is how VA plans to close its budget gap! "Sorry, your
license/permit for XYZ activity has expired. Sorry, there's currently
no way to renew because our computer systems are down. Here's your
Violation Notice. Please pay $200. Sorry, no ETA on when you can
renew. So you will remain in violation and continue to be fined until
we get around to fixing it. Have a nice day!"

Most citizens direct interactions with their government at both the
state and federal level are minimal. However, why is it that EVERY
state and federal agency seems to become more and more incompetent as
the years go by and their budgets tighten? There is no better way to
encourage anti-government rage when the average citizen begins to
loathe, with good reason, every interaction with their "duly elected"
and apparently wholly incompetent government, be it federal, state or

Welcome to America, land where we used to be free, used to be brave,
and now we pretty much just bend over and take it, especially from our

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